Marie Su Loher
On the path of conscious creativity.
As an artist, I am exploring 5 senses and 4 elements, thought the lenses of creative process.
I believe conscious creativity and mindfulness with sensory awareness can enrich our lives and inspire to create from within.
This podcast is filled with many interesting elements to support creativity in your life.
Starting with the first episode "Activating your creative desire", available on Spotify & iTunes.
Relaxing and inspiring talk of 30 minutes, an intro into how to connect with your creative power and deepen your creative process further. With a guided meditation in the end to expand your awareness and creative abundance that is present in your life. Created and transmitted from Ibiza.
In this podcast, I will take you on a journey into a mindful world of creativity, to spark your creative desire.
As I publish more, I will share inspiring personal journeys & my knowledge of 20 years in the filled of arts. How to create sustainably , closer with nature. How simple creative rituals and practices can help you to find peace and balance emotions. Bring more joy & connection to the present moment.
We are all creators so let's create consciously.
Marie Su Loher
"The Language of creative expression"
I find so much healing in art. A space for reflection. Constant change from within that can be expressed on to the canvas. Communicating through: shapes, forms, colours & unlimited imagination, the language of creative expression.
I feel so much when I paint, profound moments, that i cherish. Each piece just like living being, has its own character, story, name, energy. Actually, art is a living being, a unified field.
Everything is so personal & individual. A recorded moments of time. History & culture of mankind.
Something that stays. Something that lives forever.